Thursday, August 19, 2010

DAY 4 "Back for More!" of the Teacher Training!

Well we're passed the halfway mark of week one.

And everyone is right on track to becoming Bamboomoves teachers!

Today was a perfect balance of yin & yang energy.

Maritza lead the class in doing 103 Sincerity bows as well at the Pranayama, then Ambria lead the chant singing:

"Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo
Mahadeva Shambo
Madadeva Shambo"

After that it was time to practice Asana (postures). The 7 "teachers in training" actually taught classes to each other over and over again. By the time they were all done they must've done crescent moon pose a hundred times!!! LOL

And if that wasn't enough - then it was time to practice the "Warrior Sequence"

By the time we broke for lunch, all of us were feeling it!

Before we went back into the classroom, Erika brewed some Chinese tea - that was actually a flower that once heated would BLOSSOM. Everyone was very excited to have freshly brewed tea after my class with them.

I went over the "floor poses", put them into Shavasana and once I woke them up they had their teas waiting for them. We sat around chatted and celebrated Erika's first "tea party" (I called her the "Mad Hater")

Since we just had yummy tea and the vibe was mellow, we did partner stretching and a few other restorative work (including the "Headless Headstand") and then it was off to Ricky's for "Movie night" to watch "Meet your Meat" & "Food Inc." If you haven't see these videos - watch them!!! Meet your Meat is on line. Food Inc is in the video stores. (It's time to learn the truth about what you're putting into your bodies and more importantly into the bodies of your kids, and loved ones.)

And just as the universe is perfect - before the movie began, Ricky's dog "Oreo" stormed downstairs and jumped all over everyone & licked them, sharing his "puppy love"

This little four legged animal lit us all up with its excitement, energy and joy! And once we began the movie he left the room and came back once it was done!!! It was like he knew the content of the movies and left us to watch it all alone.

We shared what we had learned and felt from the movie and then went upstairs to meet Ricky's first "sweet heart"...his mom.

She's a doll, with a wonderful & loving spirit.

I am so grateful to have such awesome students in my life and such powerful and memorable experiences.

What are you grateful for? Who do you love? Have you told them recently...?

(When would NOW be a good time?)


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